Starting from November, a new reality is fully operational on the truck spare parts distribution market, born from the skills of established personalities in the aftermarket world.,

Thus inheriting the skills of his collaborators, gained in the previous companies in which they worked, T. Truck, based in Monza, will focus on the distribution of products that revolve around lighting, but also brake cylinders, springs and suspensions, with the aim of being able to include alternative products and exclusive brands in the offer.

However, there is a big difference that distinguishes this new player, born in the middle of the pandemic, compared to the big players in truck distribution: T. Truck enters the market with a more “hybrid” connotation, because it is part of the distribution chain, proposing the three typical steps of auto aftermarket distribution.
T.Truck therefore does not sell directly to workshops but introduces himself to spare parts dealers with a clear commercial policy, not interested in the crazy race to the bottom of prices, and with a well-balanced product portfolio management.

Notiziario Veicoli Industriali 14.12.2020