
In the realm of automotive aficionados, the allure of classic cars transcends mere transportation. Also, it embodies a cultural heritage, a symbol of craftsmanship, and an investment opportunity. And the Classic Study 2023, now in its 5th edition, dives deep into the economic landscape surrounding classic cars, shedding light on their significance in today’s market and their potential trajectory into the future.

Understanding the Market:

At the recent classic car congress of the motor vehicle trade, hosted as part of Techno-Classica, the Classic Study 2023 was unveiled, offering a comprehensive analysis of the German classic car market. Moreover, drawing on data from the German Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA), the study reveals intriguing insights. And with over 31 billion euros in total value, classic cars aged over 30 years dominate the market, alongside around 800,000 ‘youngtimers’ aged between 25 and 29, hinting at future classics in the making. Notably, 40% of these vehicles are valued at less than 10,000 euros, underlining the accessibility of this hobby.

Economic Significance:

Beyond their cultural appeal, classic cars serve as a significant economic force. Also the study highlights that the repair and maintenance volume for classic cars alone amounts to a staggering 3.8 billion euros. Which is providing employment to over 10,000 individuals. Moreover, the rising interest in classic cars is not limited to seasoned enthusiasts. And the new drivers are entering the scene, propelling younger vehicles into the spotlight and increasing their market value.

Comprehensive Agenda:

The Classic Study 2023 offers a tailored agenda, covering various facets of the classic car market in Germany. From analyzing vehicle populations and market segmentation to forecasting technological advancements. The study provides a holistic understanding of this dynamic industry.

Industry Collaboration:

The success of the Classic Study 2023 is attributed to collaborative efforts within the automotive industry. And partnerships with leading associations and companies such as ZDK, VDA, and Bosch have enriched the study with invaluable insights. Such collaborations ensure the study’s credibility and relevance, reaffirming its status as an authoritative resource for industry stakeholders.

Emotional and Rational Significance:

Gerd Heinemann, CEO of BBE Automotive GmbH, emphasizes the dual significance of classic cars. While they serve as an economic driver, preserving and maintaining a cultural legacy, they also evoke strong emotional connections among enthusiasts. And this blend of rational economic impact and emotional attachment underscores the enduring appeal of classic cars.


As the Classic Study 2023 illuminates, classic cars are not merely relics of the past; they are dynamic assets shaping the automotive landscape of the present and future. With their economic significance, cultural resonance, and evolving market dynamics, classic cars continue to captivate enthusiasts and industry players alike, promising a journey rich in heritage and opportunity.

For those seeking to delve deeper into the economic dimensions of classic cars, the Classic Study 2023 stands as an indispensable resource, offering actionable insights and strategic foresight in navigating this vibrant industry.