The new Motorpartner Group has just been formed in Portugal. This group is the result of the association of shareholders Alecarpeças, A. Vieira, Fimag and HBC, all of whom are members of TEMOT Internacional in our country.
With a global sales volume in 2021 of more than 54,000,000 Euros, this new group becomes one of the main players in the aftermarket in Portugal with a presence in the light and heavy segment.

The shareholders of the Motorpartner group are companies with a long tradition, high reputation and strong presence in the Portuguese aftermarket, which, as a result of a clear strategic alignment, now come together to guarantee the best tools that allow them to maintain the growth trajectory of recent years and respond to the challenges futures.

Maintaining the corporate independence of its shareholders, the Motorpartner group’s main objectives will be to deepen strategic partnerships with its main suppliers, develop new concepts and create synergies in the IT area.

Altogether, the four shareholders have 22 points of sale, 253 employees, a storage area of ​​over 50,000 m2 and more than 120,000 references in stock.

Pos-Venda 04.03.2022