According to Bloomberg, online auto parts distributor Autodoc is planning a multi-billion dollar IPO. Autodoc GmbH is based in Berlin. The online retailer sells around 2.5 million automotive spare parts, from brake pads and spark plugs to axial joints and shock absorbers. The company reports an average annual sales growth of 140% on its website.

The Bloombergs article is reporting an evaluation of 10 billion EUR, which is a surprisingly high valuation. The company does not belong to any of the six international trade and buying groups so far.

Autodoc is the European largest online retailer for car parts with more than 200 different webshops in around 26 different countries. The sales volume in 2020 was reported with 830 Mio EUR turnover after 650 Mio EUR turnover in 2019.
With Christian Gisy, Autodoc hired a new co-CEO with long-time management and capital-market experience.

There is still no official confirmation of the IPO plan.

Autodoc - most poular websites

The image above shows the 10 most popular websites of Autodoc based on the traffic (visitors) of the previous 12 months.
More insights about Autodoc and all other E-Commerce players are part of our After Sales ACCESS  Database. It gives an overview of which website belongs to whom and where they have marketplace accounts to get the full picture of the different E-Commerce channels.