Double your knowledge with our two new posters of the French Aftermarket.

The French Car Aftermarket Structure

Get a comprehensive understanding of the French Aftermarket with our newly available posters, “The French Car Aftermarket Structure” and “Who’s Who of French IAM Parts Distribution”.
The French automotive aftermarket is one of the largest in Europe, boasting a 14 billion euro market volume in 2021, accounting for nearly 10% of the total European volume. Despite a 1.7% decrease in 2020 due to the pandemic, the market saw a 2.5% growth in 2021. 

The French market is characterized by several unique features, one of which is the use of “Plateformes,” commercial distribution centers with ample storage space that enables parts to be delivered closer to regional and local areas, catering to medium-sized and small retailers. Another characterization is the strong presence of the trade groups Groupauto and autodistribution international. A specialty of the French market is that both trade groups are owned by the largest distributors in France. Also interesting is, that the Parts Holding Group (PHE) has been acquired by the D´ieteren Group which is a large independent car dealership group, now with a huge engagement in the independent aftermarket.

The Who is Who of the French car parts distribution

The French market has a long history similar to the German one, and therefore a complex structure that has changed enormously during the last 10 years. To stay up to date on the latest changes, Wolk after sales is offering the After Sales ACCESS database.

The two new posters offer a high-level overview of the market structure and key players in the French automotive parts market. They give you the knowledge you need to better understand the industry. Take advantage of this opportunity to expand your knowledge of the French Aftermarket.

Visit our web-shop to purchase the posters directly in your office. Besides the French Aftermarket, you will find also market overviews of Germany, Italy, and Europe.