Autodistribution is pleased with the enthusiasm of distributors for its new store concept, which gives pride of place to a multi-channel customer journey. The latter has already been deployed in 75% of points of sale.  

In 2015, the French group had chosen to transform its stores by completely rethinking their customer journey. A new concept had then emerged in order to create a self-service space and not be limited to receiving orders. In recent months, AUTO PIECES ATLANTIQUE – CARMOINE and Autodistribution Talbot have notably adopted it in some of their sites.

These are not the only ones since the group has just confirmed that three quarters of its points of sale (250 out of 316 stores) have joined. This is good news since Autodistribution has set itself a simple objective: that 100% of its distributors have at least one flagship store, entirely dedicated to the new concept.

More modern, the new Autodistribution standards have been designed to promote attractive offers, while emphasizing the advice of sellers. In addition, they offer the customer the possibility of carrying out a multi-channel journey with digital tools such as click & collect or call & collect.

J2R 12.10.2020