Exciting times are upon us, and we (Wolk & Nikolic After Sales Intelligence GmbH) are thrilled to share a significant milestone in our journey – the introduction of our brand-new logo with new name! As Wolk & Nikolic After Sales Intelligence GmbH evolves, we believe it’s essential to embrace change and showcase our commitment to innovation and progress.

A Brief History and Joint Initiative with BBE:

Our decision to change our name is not merely a visual update but a reflection of our rich heritage and unwavering dedication to leading the automotive after sales industry. Additionally, this transformation stems from a joint initiative with BBE GmbH and underscores our dynamic nature as a business, along with our steadfast commitment to delivering top-notch products and services.

Key Elements:

The refreshed logo with the new name boasts modern, clean lines and a vibrant color palette comprising savvy dark green, bright red, and grey. And this palette symbolizes our collaboration with BBE GmbH, paying homage to our heritage while embodying our futuristic and innovative approach that propels Wolk & Nikolic After Sales Intelligence GmbH forward.

A New Chapter:

This name change marks a new chapter in our company’s story. Also, as we continue to grow and evolve, the new logo with our new company’s name serves as a visual representation of our ongoing commitment to excellence, adaptability, and customer satisfaction.

What to Expect:

In the coming weeks, you’ll start to see our new company’s name across all our platforms – from our website and social media to our official communications. Moreover, the transition will be gradual, ensuring a smooth and seamless experience for all our stakeholders.

Join Us on this Journey:

We invite each one of you to join us on this exciting journey. Furthermore, your support has been instrumental in our success, and we are eager to share this new chapter with you. Wolk & Nikolic After Sales Intelligence GmbH remains dedicated to providing outstanding solutions and services, now with a fresh and vibrant identity.