Agra is part of a new dynamic and announces the recent membership of distributors and garages in its networks. Its logistics network should also be strengthened with the opening of platforms in the West.
Despite the Covid-19 crisis, Agra intends to continue to grow. Now led by a new management, the group has just announced the arrival of 9 distributors in its ranks (Cominges Distribution, CPAR, SMP Auto, Conso Pro – Blavosy and Brioude, Rooling, MP Distribution Auto, Ain Jura Auto Parts and Charnoz Automotive Supplies). Thanks to these reinforcements, Agra has also consolidated its Proximeca and Point Repar repair networks, which are extended to 14 garages.
To support the development of its network of distributors, Agra also intends to strengthen its logistics network. In addition to the Marseille platform, which will open its doors in the fall, the group announces that it is working on new regional platforms in the West.
Like the French distributor Flauraud, the national trading and buying group AGRA belongs to the Autolia Group. Autolia is partner of Temot International.
J2R 10.08.2020