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Global Automotive Investments Holding, the parent company of Inter-Sprint and Van den Ban, buys Pon Banden Groep (PBG).

Global Automotive Investments Holding is one of the largest tire companies in Europe. The company grew up under the name Inter-Sprint. The company now has a series of subsidiaries, including the Van den Ban Group. Founder Job van Vliet passed away in 2018 . His daughter Ilona Zumpolle-Van Vliet is the sole shareholder of the group that realized a profit of more than 30 million euros in 2019.

PBG has reorganized significantly in recent years. For example, it already said goodbye to most of the wholesale activities . Hans Mulder was appointed as the new director. Under his leadership, the company primarily focused on the dealer market. Mulder leaves Pon.

PBG was previously part of the Dutch Pon Group.

Automotive Management 29.01.2021