GroupAuto wholesalers Jece (Raamsdonkveer), Bachaus (Brunssum), Van der Ploeg (Franeker), Cruuswaert (Spijkenisse), D’Uston and Allard (Den Haag), Teunis (Rijssen) and Autoplex (Zevenaar) are also joining the new wholesaler network AllParts.

They will also use the joint AllParts corporate identity on their buildings, company cars and online. According to director Freek Blekxtoon of AllParts a logical choice, because the wholesalers of GroupAuto Nederland jointly designed this new wholesaler formula themselves. There are already 35 AllParts wholesalers with more than 40 branches. According to Blekxtoon, there is a lot of interest from other wholesalers in this own, cooperative business model.

From, for and by wholesalers

Blekxtoon: “After a long-term strategic project, our wholesalers have consciously opted for a tougher, cooperative business model. ‘AllParts’ has become the name of this only completely independent wholesaler formula. The content of the formula was mainly co-designed by the members themselves and I think that is the basis of our success. We are the only wholesaler network that is not directed by a supplier that is also your competitor with its own network. At AllParts we choose our own content, our own solutions and our own member meetings where no suppliers / competitors determine the agenda. That keeps us independent. It is our own name on our own flag, and the wholesalers determine which cargo that own flag represents. ”

Own formula or franchise of someone else?

Blekxtoon continues: “At the moment it seems to choose or share for wholesalers: either their own cooperative model or someone else’s franchise. The AllParts wholesalers explicitly opt for control over the range, IT solutions, their own identity and their own technical and garage formulas. Not directed by a competitor. Because we have learned big dogs eat first. We hear from wholesalers outside our own network that they think it is wise not to enter into an agreement anywhere. However, they forget that although you have no obligations, but also no rights. In our view, the current market, with two large parties, requires a choice. You are not going to make it on your own. We expect a retreating movement from Doyen in the Netherlands. The remaining offer in that case is: sign a Precisium contract with Alliance, a Full Fource Partner contract with LKQ, or become a member of our independent wholesale group AllParts and co-determine. In the first two cases, the formula is fully completed by the supplier and you are individually bound to a personal agreement, you actually become a reseller. At AllParts we have our own joint model in which the wholesalers themselves are in power. Via working groups, its own board, consisting of members, and the General Members Meeting, which has an independent agenda. We are really a club and that is really different from a franchise. ” you actually become a reseller. At AllParts we have our own joint model in which the wholesalers themselves are in power. Via working groups, its own board, consisting of members, and the General Members Meeting, which has an independent agenda. We are really a club and that is really different from a franchise. ” you actually become a reseller. At AllParts we have our own joint model in which the wholesalers themselves are in power. Via working groups, its own board, consisting of members, and the General Members Meeting, which has an independent agenda. We are really a club and that is really different from a franchise. ”

Loyalty and activity

Loyalty and activity pay, that is the shared philosophy at AllParts. Jointly make purchasing deals and organize the marketing together with your own messages. And so completely frank and free, not directed by the purchasing and marketing departments from the headquarters of your competitor. That is exactly what our members want: to stay at the helm together. It also has consequences: we lost two members in the process this year, which was factored into the process: JTC Roosendaal left itself and GEA Emmen, with whom we recently ended the cooperation.

Local entrepreneurship versus corporate organizations

“Our members see great opportunities in the market for free wholesalers who work together. Where the two large chains merge branches and set up call centers, we remain closer to the universal garage owner and we can still practice the art of ‘local entrepreneurship’ ourselves. Personal, customer-oriented, with that extra step. Family businesses for family businesses. We prefer to work with our customers rather than with our stock market value. ”

Groupauto Nederland