Training and Coaching

Exclusive and Individual Automotive Market Research

We conduct exclusive market research and market research with a wide range of different methods and procedures. Our automotive aftermarket expert team has in-depth experience in the areas of customer survey, data research and evaluation of the results achieved.

Brand Research

One of the most important selling propositions is the brand and its awareness in the market. This is even more important in the automotive aftermarket where we have an oversupply of products and hundreds of different brand names.
Wolk & Nikolic Aftersales Intelligence experts have many years experience in brand related research.

You get information on:

Brand awareness

Brand perception

Purchasing behavior and more

Market Potential Research

Do you know the market share of your product in different countries? And do you know the shares by different channel types?
Wolk & Nikolic Aftersales Intelligence is experienced in conducting research to provide detailed insights on the total market potential and the available market potential by different channel types.

Price Research

One of the most important selling propositions is the brand and its awareness in the market. This is even more important in the automotive aftermarket where we have an oversupply of products and hundreds of different brand names.
Mechanics and end-customers need orientation to do easier purchasing decisions. Therefore it is crucial to have fundamental and up-to-date knowledge on the consumer’s perception of your brand.

Competitors Analysis

Get information on who your competitor is and how they do perform compared to your business activities.

Market shares of competitors brands

Purchasing behavior reasons

Als neutrales Informations- und Unternehmensberatungsnetzwerk haben wir uns auf den Automotive After Sales Markt in Europa spezialisiert. Wir bieten unseren Kunden umfangreiche und detaillierte Marktinformationen auf der Grundlage von Marktforschung und Marktanalysen für den gesamten europäischen Automotive Aftermarket an. Wir sparen Ihnen nicht nur die Zeit für die Erhebung umfangreicher Marktforschungen, sondern liefern Ihnen wichtige Informationen und Daten, die Ihnen dabei helfen sich einen Überblick über den doch sehr komplexen Automotive Aftermarket in Europa zu verschaffen und die richtigen, zukunftorientierten Unternehmensentscheidungen zu treffen.


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